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Year 4

Welcome to the class page for Year 4!

4M - Mr McGowan
4V - Miss Vance
4B- Mrs Bhatoe 
Support staff - Miss Bennett,  Mrs Newey, Mrs Seymour, Mrs Reynolds, Mrs Hirst, Mrs Hunter. 

Follow the link to find out more about us! : Who's who!

If you have any queries or need to speak to a class teacher please email on:

and we will to get back to you as soon as we can

Welcome :)

In Year 4 we are looking forward to a super Summer term in 2024!


Children will be developing their use of adjectives, conjunctions, fronted adverbials and subordinate clauses, through the following text types:

biography, explanation, narrative and letter writing.

A continued application of spelling and grammar features will run throughout and development of a variety of punctuation marks and vocabulary.



This term we will continue to develop our mastery approach. This will include place value to 10,000, addition and subtraction, perimeter and multiplying and dividing. The children will continue to use ‘Times Table Rockstars’ to develop their fluency. There is daily opportunity for fluency and catch up for children. The children will be developing their explanations and reasoning.

Here is a link to:

Videos of our maths methods

If you have any questions please ask.

Our topic is ...

Planet Protectors

This topic is designed to build on children’s understanding of the wider world and their impact on it. Children will recognise that they can make a positive impact to their future world, through choices and changes they make. This will allow children to develop their understanding of how the environment impacts animals in their locality and the wider world.  Children will see the impact of these choices in other areas of the world.

We want the children to be the change and make a difference now!

Our educational visits will be to Warley Woods, to create some land art, and visiting Dudley Zoo, to enhance our knowledge of animals, habitats and current issues surrounding them.



The homework each week will be:

Maths Flex - your child will have a maths flex log in, please log in each week to complete the set work which builds on the learning your children have been doing in class. 

Spellings tests. The children will have spellings within the spelling booklet provided and these will be tested on a Thursday. If you find they have forgotten them, there is always spare copies in the classroom. Just ask the class teacher. 

You can also practise your spellings on 'Spellingframe' using your log in, follow the link here - 'Spellingframe'

Reading books. The children have school reading books. Please read with your child at home and record in the reading diary. All children are responsible for changing their own reading book during Guided Reading sessions, story time or first thing in the morning.  Reading diaries will be checked by the class teacher on Wednesday, so please ensure your child has their reading record in school. 

TT Rockstars. Please log on as frequently as possible to practise and earn points. Certificates will be given out weekly for those making the most progress and effort.


Swimming will be every Friday. We will be leaving at 9.00 prompt so please ensure your child is at school on time.

Please ensure your child has the correct kit with them. A swim cap is a good idea as we do not have any hair drying facilities. 


Please ensure that your child has the appropriate kit. These can be brought into school and left in lockers. 

4V - Monday
4M - Thursday
4B - Friday

P.E Kit

Plain white t-shirt
Royal blue shorts
Hair tied back 
No jewellery


Statutory Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)

In June, Year 4 pupils will be required to take the statutory Multiplication Tables Check (MTC). The check is to test if children can fluently recall their times tables up to 12, which is important for fully accessing many areas of the Mathematics curriculum throughout Key Stage 2, and beyond. The MTC is an on-screen check with 25 times tables questions. Children will have six seconds to answer each question. The check should take around five minutes to complete. Children have been practising their times tables on a regular basis with their class teachers using a range of teaching and learning tools such as games, songs and, which they can also access at home too.

2024 Parents Guide

  • Do you know all your times tables??
    Year 4 children need to know all the multiplication facts, and associated division facts by the end of the year. Do you know them all? Use these games to test yourself!

  • Hit the Button!
    Test your knowledge of your number facts and number bonds in this quick fire game!