Year 3
Welcome to the class page for Year 3!
Meet the 2024-2025 team...
Miss Supple/Mrs Whitehouse (3S)
Miss Gill (3G)
Mr Wood (3W)
Miss Hinton (PE and PPA Cover)
Miss Wheatley (PPA Cover)
Mr West (PPA Cover)
Lower School Support Staff
Miss Bennett
Mrs Seymour
Mrs Hunter
Mrs Reynolds
Mrs Kaur
Mrs Hurst
Mrs Newey
Contact Us
If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to send an email to your class teacher stating your child's name and class (3S, 3G or 3W) as the subject to
Collins EbooksTo access your child’s Big Cat ebooks, please click on the link below. You will find the login details for your child at the back of their reading diaries.
Children should read at least three times a week. This can be school or home reading books. Please record in reading diaries so staff can monitor. Reading books will be changed once a week. Please ensure your child has their reading books each week on the below days.
3G – Tuesday
3S – Wednesday
3W - Friday
Please use your Spelling Frame log in details to access the spelling list each week. Children can learn their weekly spellings by accessing the games and activities. Spellings will go live on (date) and children will complete a test at the end of the practice every Wednesday.
Spellings will be tested in school every Thursday.
The completed spellings will be sent home so you can see the weekly spelling scores. Please practise any incorrect spellings.
Practise the spellings in sentences as this will help put them into context. This is also an opportunity to practice letter formation.
PE for Year 3
PE lessons this term are on Monday for 3S and Tuesday for 3G & Thursday for 3W . Could you please ensure that children have appropriate kit in school, including a jumper and trainers for outdoor use as it starts to get colder. Please ensure that hair is tied back in a bobble and earrings are removed the night before. Classes will be learning a range of invasion games and gymnastics.
Online Resources.
You will find work for the whole curriculum on Purple Mash. Children also have logins for Education City and Times Table Rock Stars, where they can continue to study from home.
Should you need additional copies of your child's login details, or have any further questions about the homework, please feel free to speak to your child's class teacher before or after school. Many thanks for your continued support.
Please keep practising your times tables. Just log on to Education City, TTRS or even Purple Mash.
They are extremely important and will help you during your Maths lessons.
You should know your 2, 5, 10, 4, 8 and 3's by the end of Year 3!
Good luck!
Parent Guide to the National Curriculum
Below are the websites that the children will be using for homework and independent learning at home. If you have any questions or need additional details, please ask your child's class teacher.
Purple Mash
Activities for the whole curriculum!
Education City
Fun activities for English and other areas of the curriculum!