How is the Abbey Website compliant with DFE requirements?
Requirement |
Maintained schools |
Where can it be found on the Abbey web-site? |
The school’s contact details |
P |
Details of pupil premium allocation, its use and impact |
P |
Information on curriculum provision, content and approach |
P |
Admission arrangements |
P |
Behaviour |
P |
Charging & Remissions |
P |
Special educational needs (SEN) and disability provision |
P |
Information on Ofsted reports and Department for Education performance data |
P |
The school’s statement of ethos and values |
P |
An SEN information report |
P |
SEN & Equality |
PE and sports grant details |
P |
Accesibilty plan |
P |
SEN & Equality |
Complaints Procedure |
P |
Governor Details |
P |
Charging & Remissions |
P |
General |
Safeguarding |
Recommended |
Public sector equality duty |
P |
SEN & Equality |
Financial information | P | And when legislation changes 2025: And when legislation changes 2025: There are zero staff who have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more. |
COVID Catch-up & Remote Offer |
P |
Covid Catch-up & Remote Learning |
Uniform | P | General |
Opening Times | P |
New Reception parents information
Music Plan (non Statutory) | P | Music plan |
Paper copies are available, on request, from the school office.