Fun in the forest!
It was a fantastic start to RG's second block, and we couldn't be prouder of how well they did in their first session!
The kids had a blast using their fingers as beaks to collect hidden woolly worms and then cleverly hiding them again to make them more camouflaged.
They also remembered the rules beautifully and showed great interest in new saplings, thinking creatively about how to keep them safe.
The session was packed with exciting activities. They crafted bird feeders by threading Cheerios onto pipe cleaners, developed hand strength making seed balls, and enjoyed water play by cleaning stones with toothbrushes.
The sandpit was a hit with dinosaur skull excavations, while the water-play tuff tray offered a fun mix of colours, bicarbonate, and vinegar for a fizzy treat.
In the mud kitchen, they got creative making pizzas and biscuits, and in the loose parts area, they built bridges to navigate "shark-infested" waters. There was lots of fun freeing pine cones (from tape and elastic bands) and throwing them with just the right amount of force. At the end of the session, everyone threw a wildflower seed ball into the wildflower mini meadow. It was truly an engaging day filled with learning and fun!
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